Crazy how a new human being in the house can change things, eh?
As many of you may or may not know, my wife and I welcomed our first child into our life on January 21st. Sofia Elizabeth Bhamani was born at 11:39 am at Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, weighing 7 pounds 7 ounces. Both mom and Sofia are doing great.
It was quite the experience, one that I am completely unable to put into words. It all happened ridiculously fast - my wife was only in active labour for four hours. Sofia was born just one full hour after we got to the hospital (scotch-guarding the leather upholstery in the back seat almost paid off).
Originally, I didn't think I could handle watching the actual birth, and wasn't even sure if I would want to cut the umbilical cord. In the end, I did both, and it was just the most remarkable thing I have ever witnessed. Seeing Sofia being born and immediately being placed on my wife's chest was absolutely breathtaking. For me, it was more emotional than when Joe Carter went deep off of Mitch Williams in game 6 of the '93 world series. That's right. It was that powerful.
It has been a week since Sofia's unusually punctual arrival (she was born on her due date), and life is progressing as you might expect. Late night feedings, crying, lots of dirty diapers (she clearly takes after her dad), and lots of pictures. But its not only our daily lives that have changed, so has our house.
Consider my living room, for example, where I am currently writing this essay. Prior to last Thursday, the living room had the following:
- TV with stand;
- couch;
- chair with ottoman;
- coffee table and side table;
- two lamps;
- china cabinet; and
- two bar stools.
Now, my living room has everything mentioned above, plus:
- a baby car seat;
- a playard (don't call it a play pen);
- an unassembled swing seat;
- a nursing pillow;
- dirty dishes
- dirty laundry;
- clean laundry;
- diaper bag;
- a quilt laid out on my shag area rug;
- stuffed animals;
- half a stroller;
- burp clothes;
- two cameras - one point and click, one digital SLR; and
- one camcorder.
Changes, indeed.
My training schedule has clearly gone on a hiatus as I am up to my elbows in dirty diapers, but I hope to get back at it with a session on the trainer on Friday, and another deathly spin class on Sunday. I really hope to turn things up a notch to make my daughter proud.
In the meantime, somehow, I have convinced Aaron to train twice as hard this past week on my behalf. He is doing it. He has actually lost 11 pounds in the last five days.
That's right. He is going to be a doctor. Ahem.
If you haven't already had a chance to donate to my ride, please consider doing so by clicking on the link to the right of screen. Later.
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